The aim is to assess the awareness of the Powder Metallurgy community about
sustainability issues, in particular about the opinions on the importance of the
various environmental impact indicators (16 different ones) for the PM industry.

As different sectors and activities may have a different view, some of the
questions are used to discriminate the origin of the opinions, that will be
strictly anonymous.

The key question is the last one, where we ask you to assess the importance of
the 16 indicators according to you and your experience and knowledge (not
necessarily from a "sustainability expert"!). In order to help you with the
definitions of the indicators, we have prepared a "survey guide" where they are
described, please check it here in case of need.

Please complete the survey  here :

Download the survey template pdf here : (286 KB)

Download the Survey Indicators pdf here : (242 KB)

For any further explanation, refer to Bruno Vicenzi (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

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